It seems that “false claims” are everywhere. In order to sell more products, companies release information that is misleading and untruthful. This was recently seen with Vitamin Water and even Jillian Michaels own weight loss supplements. POM’s famous claims to prevent prostate cancer, help erectile dysfunction, and prevent disease has taken a huge blow from [...]
As with many things on the shelves, vitamins also have expiration dates. These dates insure that the vitamins you are taking have the correct potency to aid your body in health and well being. Many people either don’t pay attention or aren’t concerned with expirations. However, over time, the product degrades in heat, direct sunlight, [...]
For those that love Honest Tea, but want a zero calorie, no sugar option, it’s here. Honest Tea recently came out with a new flavor, Organic Passion Fruit Green Tea. It is sweetened with organic stevia which is “a South American leafy plant that provides natural zero-calorie sweetness”. It is still just a tad sweet, like the [...]
One of the worst areas on the female body and on any body is the back of the legs. This could be due to the evolution of the desk job. Desks jobs with improper posture can lead to weak hamstrings. This causes even worse posture, and lack of muscle mass. This ball exercise will work [...]
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