SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS
SLEEPzine is an online magazine about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS
- Sleep Loss linked to Temperature Levels - 2011-02-24 01:59:47-05
Sleep habits have been linked to obesity but now it looks like there is a new factor that will be thrown into it. This has to do with the level of temperature a person has around him, something that could be a vital cog with regards to sleep loss. The study was made by researchers over the Simona Bo at the University of Turin in Italy. Compared to people who kept their homes no warmer than 20 C (68 F) in the fall and winter, those who liked a toastier home were twice as likely to become obese. It seems that getting better sleep and staying healthy just got more complicated. The bright side though is that you may end up saving on your electric bill if you turn down the thermostat. Image Credits Read Brought to you by: SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS Sleep Loss linked to Temperature Levels fall and winter, italy, obesity, simona, sleep, Sleep Disorders, Sleep Issues, temperature levels, thermostat, university of turin, vital cog
- The Good Morning Sir Alarm Clock - 2011-02-24 13:23:38-05
While common alarm clocks are expected to wake you up from bed, here is one that politely does so to make sure you get up on the right side of bed. This clock which you can alternatively call as Jeeves, politely wakes you up in lieu of that irritating noise a standard alarm clock would give you. Every morning, Jeeves awakens Sir or Madam with a most smooth and comforting way, His dulcet voice soothes Sir or Madam into gentle wakefulness without the unpleasant slap in the face that is normal alarm-clock operation. The heavy wood and the roman numerals on the timepiece’s face lend a old world gothic flavor to the clock. The Good Morning Sir Alarm Clock is available from Thinkgeek for $69.99. However, the clock is currently on sale and if you get one now, you get a $20 off or have to pay only $49.99 for it. Read
- iHome iH11 Alarm Clock with iPod Dock for $30 - 2011-02-25 14:05:26-05
If you want to get your hands on a great deal, check out the iHome iH11 Alarm Clock. It comes with an iPod dock as well and the whole thing is being offered over at right now for only $29.99. The price already includes free shipping and should be something dandy for your room and waking needs in the morning. Among the features of the iHome iH11 Alarm Clock include a universal dock (compatible with most iPod and iPhone models), selectable sleep timer, remote control, battery backup, and more. Read Brought to you by: SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS iHome iH11 Alarm Clock with iPod Dock for $30 alarm clock, Alarm Clocks, battery backup, free shipping, ihome, iphone, models, remote control, sleep, timer
- Warning: Avoid Sleeping with your Dogs - 2011-02-26 13:43:39-05
We all know how people are very much attached to their dogs, taking them anywhere and others who sleep with them. Then again with consideration to your health, you may want to reconsider sleeping with your pooch once you hear this. Apparently Plague, a Category A bioterrorism agent may be inherited for such a practice. This developed after two cases in the United States last year were traced to people who slept with dogs. They suffered from severe illness which can be passed on to another person. Also, it triggers what planners bluntly term "public panic and social disruption" The culprit? It seems that fleas are to blame here. Though some people make it a habit to bathe their dog, fleas can act as carriers that include Y.pestis. These are normally contracted from rodents, creatures that your mutt are surely to be exposed too. The solution? Either buy your dog a flea collar, make sure he is properly bathed and disinfected or better yet, avoid sleeping with them altogether. Read Brought to you by: SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS Warning: Avoid Sleeping with your Dogs bioterrorism, creatures, culprit, dog fleas, dogs, … Continue reading
- Separate Beds or Separate Blankets? - 2011-02-27 12:29:54-05
Couples have their share of lack of sleep problems and the common solution we hear of today is for them to sleep in separate rooms. Snoring and even blanket sharing have been problems for couples and in the end, you will agree that this issue may be a reason for tarnishing their relationship. But according to therapists, this is something that can be remedied, especially the snoring part. Snoring, is a common problem among couples and one potential relief could be in the form of an anti-snoring pillow. This is one of several companies that offer pillows designed to help prevent snoring by keeping the sleeper's airway open. Then there is the petty thing about blankets and maybe even pillows. Please. Couples can place additional ones for each one without having to sleep on different rooms. As you can see, there are various ways to revel against sleep problems such as these and they may even make relationships stronger. Read Brought to you by: SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS Separate Beds or Separate Blankets? blankets, couples, How to sleep better, lack of sleep, pillows, relationship, relationships, separate beds, separate rooms, Sleep … Continue reading
- Sleepless Bloggers invited to Better Sleep Blogger Challenge - 2011-02-28 11:58:46-05
In a move to improve sleep habits and in honor of National Sleep Awareness Week, Bloggers are invited to participate and unplug early by joining the One Week to Better Sleep Blogger Challenge. Bloggers have been known to forego sleep to be more productive or for some, invest in social media activities. Add on the time spent tweeting, updating Facebook, or checking into Four Square and the average blogger has very little time left for themselves. Backed by the makers of the Sound Asleep Comfort Pillow, bloggers are the perfect individuals to lead the cause. The National Sleep Awareness Week runs from March 7 to 13 an event designed to help spread the importance of getting a good night's sleep. Oh and before anything else, you don't have to be a blogger to join this special sleep event. All you have to do is visit the One Week to Better Sleep Blogger Challenge on Facebook ( to 'like' the page and join the challenge roster. Read Brought to you by: SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS Sleepless Bloggers invited to Better Sleep Blogger Challenge blogger, bloggers, comfort pillow, facebook, little time, national … Continue reading
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