SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS
SLEEPzine is an online magazine about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS
- Sleep Loss Crucial for ADHD Kids - 2011-03-02 10:55:30-05
Sleep loss has been known to provide some issues, both physically and mentally. And today, it was learned that sleep loss is quite critical when you talk about kids with ADHD. Sleep loss was found to be a contributory factor towards their status and may eventually render a negative impact along the way. After mean nightly sleep loss of about 55 minutes for six nights, the performance of children with ADHD on a neurobehavioral test deteriorated from the subclinical range to the clinical range of inattention on four of six measures, including omission errors and reaction time. The study involved 43 children, 11 with ADHD and 32 controls. They had a mean age of about 9 years. Though it may not come as a surprise, given that sleep deprivation does have its share of controversial effects, it seems to worsen the ADHD kids. So if you have one, better have them see a sleep specialist as soon as you can. Read Brought to you by: SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS Sleep Loss Crucial for ADHD Kids adhd, adhd kids, contributory factor, inattention, measures, negative impact, omission errors, reaction time, sleep, sleep … Continue reading
- EARINALM (Earphones and Alarms) from Thanko - 2011-03-03 10:13:49-05
Whether you are a gadget freak or someone who has been hooked on to earphones and needs a proper way to woken up, here are some portable and functional pieces from Thanko. This is the EARINAL (earphones and alarm) which can be a great solution for people who want to be alerted when they fall asleep on purpose or not. The EARINALM is great for people on the go, especially the ones who find themselves falling asleep ever so often wherever they may go. They are available from online for $37 a pop in Japan. This is something travelers and techies may want to consider getting. Read Brought to you by: SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS EARINALM (Earphones and Alarms) from Thanko Alarm Clocks, alarms, earphones, functional pieces, gadget freak, great solution, japan, SLEEP Gadgets, techies, thanko, travelers
- The Story Tent Light should help you sleep better - 2011-03-04 14:51:55-05
Reading and having the proper levels of illumination are critical for people who want to get some sensible sleep and the Story Tent Light should be your all-in-one solution for that. Designed by Hong Ying Guo, this lighting solution combines an interactive tent shaped projector with some sequential lights. It makes use of interchangeable frames that narrate a brief story for you. This active design encourages using the imagination and provides tranquil light for a peaceful sleep; something both parents and children can enjoy together. Read Brought to you by: SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS The Story Tent Light should help you sleep better active design, hong ying, illumination, imagination, lighting solution, parents and children, peaceful sleep, projector, SLEEP Gadgets, tent
- The Clapperboard Digital Alarm Clock - 2011-03-05 12:21:33-05
This is one cool looking alarm clock that should get the interest of sleepers. Especially for people who love movies or are fascinated on how directors produce films, the Clapperboard Digital Alarm Clock should be something worthy to have in the home. Just like what you see in movie takes, you need to use the clapper to silence this alarm clock. This is perhaps the best opportunity to play director if you dream of being one, the closest you can get and useful if you cannot wake up on time for work or for school. The Clapperboard Digital Alarm Clock would be an excellent option to consider if you're looking to buy a gift for an aspiring director or if you're decorating a home theater. Read Brought to you by: SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS The Clapperboard Digital Alarm Clock Alarm Clocks, clapper, clapperboard, digital alarm clock, films, home theater, sleepers
- The Zazoo Photo Clock for Kids - 2011-03-06 12:23:00-05
Here is something that should fit in well in the kids room. If your kids aren't fine with the standard alarm clocks we have to date, then a virtual time teller might do the trick. And rather than get an alarm clock that only wakes them up, the Zazoo Photo Clock can even lull your toddlers for you. The Zazoo Photo Clock is a visual time-teller that teaches young kids through images when it's time to get up. When the night falls, a starry night image sets the mood for sleeping; when it's time to get out of bed, the sunny day scene appears. The Zazoo Photo Clock also comes with other features that include a calendar, rotating digital photo frame and even an MP3 player. A great device for kids and who knows, maybe adults would want it too. Read Brought to you by: SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS The Zazoo Photo Clock for Kids adults, alarm clock, Alarm Clocks, Alarm Clocks, digital photo frame, images, kids room, mp3 player, night image, photo clock, starry night, sunny day, time teller, toddlers, virtual time, young kids
- Sleep Quality tied to Brain Waves - 2011-03-07 12:16:53-05
There are many ways that can help categorize the sleep quality people have and now you can add another way to do that using brain waves. It seems that some scientists have pinpointed to alpha waves to do the trick, something that emanates from the back of the head of an individual. Scientists used to think that the wave was subdued and disappeared as a person fell deeper and deeper into sleep. Alpha wave activity may be the brain's way of keeping people aware of their surroundings during sleep, something which enables people to wake quickly in case of danger, but too much alpha activity might also have a downside if it prevents a good night of sleep. Whether it is long sleep or not, the manner to which it should be classified leaves a lot to be identified. While these are just tests, let us see if brain waves can indeed make a difference soon when it comes to helping people determine and possibly improve their type of sleep. Read Brought to you by: SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS Sleep Quality tied to Brain Waves alpha activity, alpha wave, alpha … Continue reading
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