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What is Safe Weight Loss? Is Losing 10 Lbs a Week Like the TV Show ‘Biggest Loser’ Safe?

Posted: 29 Jan 2011 08:41 AM PST

5137461970 06035b41dc m What is Safe Weight Loss? Is Losing 10 Lbs a Week Like the TV Show Biggest Loser Safe?

Drawbacks of Being Fat or Overweight

If you are someone who is overweight, you might consider an action plan to really lose weight and reduce body fat. Apart from looking big, being fat and overweight is no fun – you get ogling eyes watching you very often if your size is bigger than normal, and that ogling is not one of admiration but often curiosity and derision. Being overly fat encumbers your movement so that you appear slow and clumsy in movements, and affects your health adversely.

What is a Safe Weight Loss Objective?

So if you have established an objective to lose weight and reduce fat, what would be a safe weight loss objective? After all, you do not wish to lose far too much weight at an extraordinary fast rate, as that affects your body and impacts adversely on your health. At the same time, you do not want to lose weight far too slowly, because you will lack a motivation to continue, and at the same time, without a continued sustained rate of sizeable weight loss, you will tend to revert back to your normal eating habits and former lifestyle so that you will rapidly regain whatever weight you have had lost. We do not want this to happen when we are on diet or on a program to lose weight and fat.

So what is a reasonable safe weight loss?

Defining Safe Weight Loss

The rate of safe weight loss will differ from person to person depending on many factors. For a child who are still growing in height and are moderately to mildly overweight, there might not be an urgent need to press the child into a weight loss program yet. By simply maintaining the child’s weight might be a better way, because the child will ” grow into his or her own weight” and come down to a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI). This works because BMI is a function of weight divided by height squared. If you maintain the weight while he or she is still growing, an increase of a few inches with the weight remaining the same will cause the BMI to decrease greatly.

But what about an adult or a child who is no longer growing in height? Most doctors and dietitians recommend losing 1 to 2 pounds per week as a rate of safe weight loss. Others, recommend losing only one pound per month. These rates are also applicable for the very overweight child who is still growing as well.

Worried About The Biggest Losers?

If losing 1 to 2 pounds per week is a safe weight loss for adults, shouldn’t we be worried with the way those Biggest Losers participants in the TV reality series are losing theirs?

What we can see is that these participants rapidly lose up to 10 pounds a week and this often runs for several weeks into the game show. This is of course clearly against the healthy balanced weight loss recommended by the majority of doctors and dietitians. So is it justified for us to raise a hue and cry and be worried about such rapid weight loss?

Now, if you are in the same physique as these Biggest Loser participants – really that overweight and big – then it is easy to say that your weight is not normal. Where people are morbidly obese, these same safe weight rules are not applicable. These morbidly obese people contain body cells that are extremely saturated with fluids. The more saturated these cells are , the more the weight is excreted when you exercise or follow a diet under a weight loss program. Their rates of safe weight loss are different from those already quoted.

How To Lose Weight Safely

If you need to lose weight, get into a safe weight loss plan slowly. Losing weight is not an overnight thing. Take safe weight loss as a step-by-step activity. Try to make a safe weight loss plan to fit your lifestyle and do not be stressed over the numbers in your weight. In order to get meaningful measurements it is better to look at your results over a period of several weeks. Following the steps by step action plan in a reliable weight loss and dieting program is strongly recommended if we wish to see permanent weight loss results. The perfect body needs time to be sculpted and fashioned. Following safe weight loss programs is a necessity if you wish to gain a perfect weight and not fall sick due to overly rapid weight loss.

How To Stick With Your Weight Loss Goals

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 10:53 PM PST

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You must outlines the steps you must take each day in order to achieve your weight loss goal. Without a clear action plan you wont succeed and it will only lead to disappointment.

If you are just starting a new plan and you wanna lose weight and burn fats on your body, the first thing you should not do is to set your goal weight. We can not control how fast our body loses weight. Do not say “I wanna lose 20 pounds in 1 month.” But you can say “I wanna lose weight by making adjustment on my daily diet and lifestyle”.

You need to make the necessary changes in your eating habits and lifestyle that will get you to your goal weight.

Here are some Simple Quick Effective Weight Loss Tips:

1. Dietary intake probably has the most important effect on our metabolism. Eating more frequently will keep your metabolism working all day. Try to include some spices to your meal. Spicing up the meal can help burn calories and boost your metabolism.

2. Eat slowly. Do not make eating as a hobby. Slow down and pay attention to what you are eating. If you eat quickly, you wont even know that you have eaten so much. It takes 20 minutes for our brain to recognize that our stomach if full. So when you are eating like crazy, you may think that you are still hungry but in fact you`re not.

3. Do not dine in “Eat All You Can” restaurant. We tend to eat more than what we really need.

4. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water is an essential part of metabolism. It also cleanses our system.

5. Working out 3 to 4 times a week can help you lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. Running is probably the cheapest way to lose weight. All you need is a good pair of running shoes. It also help strengthen your heart and lungs. Do not forget to consult your doctor first before you attempt to exercise.

6. Never eat out of a bag or carton. You will never know how much you are consuming. It is best to eat on a smaller plate.

7. Do not go on a diet and start fasting. It will only slows down your metabolism.

8. Eat Apple and a small cup of soup before eating your meal. You will be less hungry before your main meal.

9. Avoid snacking in front of televisions. This is a disaster to your weight loss plan. You mouth will be busy munching those junk foods. You can however replace it with fruit or low calorie salad.

10. Last but not least, Do not skip breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. It jump start your metabolism and gives you energy to start your day.

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