SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS - July 5, 2011 Sleep Deprivation...

SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS

SLEEPzine is an online magazine about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS

  1. Sleep Deprivation Can Kill - 2011-07-05 10:29:15-04
    A big cause of accidents among people these days would be that of driving while lacking sleep. We have come across a lot of stories where sleep deprivation can be dangerous to people overall but if you want some reality check, here is a story that should become a cause for concern. Traveling can be a big problem for drivers, especially when you don't get the proper sleep if you are behind the wheel. Fighting it off with coffee or some other stuff to keep you awake would be helpful but there will come a point that you may eventually find yourself giving in to much needed rest and slumber. Unfortunately for this person, sleep was something he really needed badly. Traveling along with four kids who were lucky enough to escape with injuries and live, Jesse Sylvester was not so fortunate. The 28 year old Lake Orion native died on the scene when her car crashed on the southbound side of the highway near the Otsego County line. This is proof that we may have to think of more ways to handle sleep deprivation. For the people traveling the long roads, stopping for a while and getting some snooze … Continue reading


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1 Response to "SLEEP Online Magazine - The SLEEP Blog - All about SLEEP, SLEEPING, and SLEEPINESS - July 5, 2011 Sleep Deprivation..."

  1. Sleeping disorder advice says:
    July 12, 2011 at 3:00 AM

    Very effective post related with Sleep deprivation symptoms. Am totally agreed with you.

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