Health Article Center

Health Article Center

Disposable Lense; Better Option for Your Health

Posted: 22 Feb 2011 04:48 PM PST

We are surely familiar with contact lenses. This is a new solution in optical world. People who have problem in eyesight are beginning to choose contact lenses rather than eyeglasses.

Disposable contacts have shown up as a new solution in this modern era. This is disposable contact lenses. With this, you only need to use the same contact lenses for few times only.

Disposable lenses is healthier and more hygiene for your eyes. This is because you dispose it and then you buy the new one which is of course more hygiene and better for your eyes' health.

When the environment kills: Can living in a cancer cluster raise your insurance rates?

Posted: 22 Feb 2011 12:57 PM PST

4090239416 818de56b2f m When the environment kills: Can living in a cancer cluster raise your insurance rates?

Life Quotes, Inc.

Medical studies bombard us with information about the risks associated with cancer. It would seem that very little can be done to escape this deadly killer. Cancer-causing carcinogens can be found in our homes and where we work — even at the doctor’s office. They naturally occur outside and can be found in the air that we breathe and the water that we drink. While several factors play into the risk of developing cancer, our environment is key.

Cancer is the growth and mutation of abnormal cells in the body—the result of carcinogenesis, or toxins that attach to DNA and develop into tumors.

This year, nearly 562,340 Americans will die from cancer. It’s the second most common cause of death in the United States, accounting for one in every four deaths, according to latest statistics by the American Cancer Society.

The National Toxicology Program, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services, published a list of environmental carcinogens that have been implicated as causes of cancer. You may find a few surprising.


Alcohol: This one may be a no-brainer, but heavy consumption of alcohol is related to cancers in the mouth, pharynx, larynx and esophagus — in addition to liver and breast cancer. Known contaminates that are absorbed during the production of alcoholic beverages include acetaldehyde, nitrosamines, aflatoxins, urethane, asbestos and arsenic compounds.

Tobacco:Tobacco tops all categories of the single most lethal carcinogen worldwide.Chronic tobacco use can be responsible for cancers in the lungs, larynx, mouth, esophagus, bladder, kidney, throat, stomach, pancreas and cervix. There’s also an increased risk of developing leukemia. Cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco contain 60 compounds that are carcinogenic to humans, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. People who breathe second-hand smoke can be affected as well.


Aflatoxin: We come into contact with aflatoxin, which is known to cause liver cancer, primarily through eating contaminated food. This carcinogen produces a fungus that thrives on corn, grains, peanuts, tree nuts and cottonseed meal. Cottonseed meal is often fed to farm animals.


Benzene: Exposure to benzene can put you at risk for leukemia. You can be exposed to it by something as simple as driving in congested traffic — or pumping gas. The Texas Transportation Institute reported that Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Atlanta were cities with the highest amount of traffic congestion in 2007.

“People are at risk for exposure to benzene when waiting in traffic,” says Vivi Abrams, spokesperson for the Centers for Disease Control’s National Center for Environmental Health. “As far as what levels they are exposed to, that’s something that more research needs to be done about. The seriousness would depend on the amount, the root cause, the length of the exposure in the air, the levels in the air at that time and the person’s pre-existing health conditions.”

Manufacturing facilities also expose you to benzene and traces of this carcinogen are found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy products, eggs and fish. But the most common exposure to benzene is through cigarette smoke, says Abrams.

In 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration analyzed more than 100 soft drinks to determine the level of benzene found in those products, they learned that eight of the beverages tested contained levels of benzene that exceeded the federal standard for tap and bottled water of five parts per billion (ppb). Some of the soft drinks that were found to have the highest benzene count included Safeway Select Diet Orange, Crush Pineapple, AquaCal Strawberry flavored water, and Crystal Light Sunrise Classic Orange. The FDA asked manufactures with the highest levels to reformulate its products in order to reduce the benzene count.


Arsenic: Exposure to arsenic is linked to an assortment of cancers, including skin, lung, digestive tract, liver, bladder and kidney. This carcinogen can appear in our food and drinking water. Seafood, rice, rice cereal, mushrooms and poultry contain the highest levels of arsenic.

Drinking water can be contaminated with pesticides that contain arsenic. This can come from natural mineral deposits of inorganic arsenic or from chemical plants that haven’t properly disposed of the compound.

Arsenic is used to pigment paint and can be contracted through the hands, fingernails, cups, cigarette smoking or by holding paintbrushes in the mouth.


Asbestos: Exposure to asbestos has been linked to lung cancer and mesothelioma. It has been detected in air, soil, drinking water, food, medicines and vehicle break linings.

Silica, crystalline: Linked to lung cancer, silica is a common air contaminant. People who live near sand and gravel operations are at the most risk. People are also exposed to silica via abrasives, sand paper, detergent, cement and grouts.


Beryllium: Linked to lung cancer, beryllium can be contracted by inhaling dust or fumes or ingested with water and food. It is also found in fruit and fruit juices, primarily pineapple and papaya juice.

Certain occupations can expose you to this carcinogen: alloy makers, ceramics workers, missile technicians, nuclear reactor workers, electronic-equipment workers and jewelers.

Cadmium: Linked to lung and prostate cancer, cadmium can be found in grain cereal, potatoes and vegetables. Exposure also occurs through drinking water or ambient air.

Nickel:Yes, the metallic 5-cent coin is a human carcinogenic. Exposure can result in an elevated risk of lung cancer and cause epithelial and connective-tissue tumors. It can also bind ionically to cells, including DNA. Nickel is found in the air, water, food and consumer products. The general population is also exposed to nickel through nickel alloys and nickel-plated materials such as coins, steel and jewelry. It is also found in soaps, fats and oils.


Estrogens, steroidal: Estrogen is linked to uterine and breast cancer. Estrogen is found in palm kernel oil, meat, milk products and contraceptives. It is also contained in some moisturizing lotions, wrinkle-smoothing creams, hair conditioners, shampoos and other grooming products.


Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR): Typically derived from the sun, UVR radiation exposure is responsible for 90 percent of all skin cancers. Tanning beds have also been accused of heightening cancer risk.

“After reviewing 20 epidemiological studies, the International Agency for Research on Cancer reaffirmed that solar radiation is carcinogenic to humans,” says Dr. Fatiha El Ghissassi, one of the authors of A Review of Human Carcinogens, a special report conducted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France. “We have moved up UV tanning beds to the highest cancer risk category Group I. The risk of skin cancer is increased by 75 percent when use of tanning beds starts before age 30.”

Ionizing radiation: CT Scans, X-rays, and nuclear radiation all have a damaging affect on DNA.

Radon:Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that is a natural occurring element in the environment, but it is also deadly. Exposure to radon has been linked to lung cancer in several epidemiological studies. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found that one in 15 homes have elevated radon levels in the United States. This gas can also be found in groundwater, soil or building materials. There have also been significant levels of radon found in tunnels, power stations, caves, public baths and spas. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, according to the American Lung Association.

Since radon gas is so prevalent, you may wonder if your home insurance rates will increase if your home has elevated levels of radon. Holly Anderson, spokesperson for State Farm, says it’s not a factor.

“We don’t ask about radon in the underwriting process, so it’s unlikely that it will affect a homeowners policy or its eligibility,” says Anderson.

Underwriters use a number of tools to determine the cost of life insurance, but according to Kim McKeown, spokesperson for the Society of Actuaries (SOA), group insurers may look at overall mortality by geographical region, but it’s unlikely that they will single out incidents of cancer based on environmental factors.

Life insurance companies look at a number of medical conditions and other factors when they price life insurance applications. According to McKeown, someone living in a known cancer cluster cannot be excluded from getting life insurance or be charged more for a policy.

“Individual life insurance applicants with cancer are underwritten on an individual by individual basis,” says McKeown. “Life underwriters are not allowed to price individual life premiums based on cancer clusters.”

                                                                            Cancer Clusters

The American Cancer Society reports that there are at least 100 suspected cancer clusters in the United States. The National Cancer Institute loosely defines a cancer cluster as an abnormally high number of cancers diagnosed in a small geographic area over a period of time. Those clusters often produce rare cancers or occur in people who generally shouldn’t be subject to cancer — like children.

Oroville, Calif. – Between 2004 and 2006, there were 34 cases of pancreatic cancer in this small city in Northern California. It was determined that a wood treatment facility that pressure treated wood with pentachlorophenol (PCP) had a history of contaminating the ground water. The plant burned down in the late 1980s. Source: California Department of Health, March 2009, Pancreatic Cancer Follow-up Investigation Report.

Palm Beach, Fla. – Residents of the Acreage subdivision voiced concerns over a possible brain cancer cluster (1997 to present) in their neighborhood. To date, 104 cases of brain cancer have been submitted to the Florida Department of Health. Of those, 90 have been verified. The New York-based law firm Weitz & Luxenberg, (Erin Brockovich is a consultant at this law firm) met with residents this year to discuss their concerns. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is investigating. Source: Florida Department of Health, Palm Beach County Health Department.

Clyde, Ohio (Sandusky County and Surrounding areas)— From 1996 to 2006, there were 277 cases of childhood cancer in Lucas, Wood, Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca, Wyandot, Erie and Huron counties. The case is still under investigation. Source: Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.

Top Cancer Risks

Tobacco products
Sunlight, ultraviolet light
Ionizing radiation
Viruses and bacteria
Cancer in medical family history
Alcohol use
Poor diet, obesity, lack of exercise
Free radicals

Source: American Cancer Society

This article was originally published at Life Quotes, Inc.

Prostate Problems – The Prostate Cancer Primer

Posted: 22 Feb 2011 12:37 PM PST

4773309578 18b91b3572 m Prostate Problems   The Prostate Cancer Primer

There are many today who face the agony of cancer, particularly prostate cancer. It is a serious form of cancer identified. For those who are successfully treated for this form of cancer and survive with nothing but the battle scars of treatment should be considered very fortunate.

Advanced prostate cancer by its very name seems to suggest that the cancer is at an advanced stage and possibly incurable. This need not be the case. Prostate cancer advance understanding one step is very important to fight this vile disease. Although the range of treatments for cancer that can not be that wide, there is no need to lose hope at this point. Chemotherapy, surgery and other treatments are can be effective in curing cancer.

How to convert

The prostate gland is a very important role in human male body and plays a role in its reproductive mechanism. Once the prostate is infected with cancer cells begin to multiply uncontrollably and within no time will infect other parts of the body, including bone and lymph nodes. The pain and difficulty in passing urine prostate is often cited as early signs of cancer. Apart from these other ailments can also be a concern to the patient.

Several treatment options to improve comfort

Unfortunately it is a fact that prostate cancer can be fatal in many cases. The false hope should not be given to patients of such cancer. They must be such that there are some treatment options available for curing the disease. The focus remains for the patient suffering from prostate-related cancer is so improve the quality and comfort of the patient’s life.

The first thing you do after being diagnosed with prostate cancer is to get in touch with your loved ones and discuss with them about their predicament. Be close with those people with whom you want to be so that you feel most comfortable and well cared for.

The main message is to be transported to the cancer patients is to live their remaining lives with such dignity and peace as possible. Never let your hope to finish as medical science is advancing rapidly. A positive mood may help stave off the agony of cancer and to help prolong its life.

Early symptoms of prostate cancer to be recognized

The detection of early symptoms of cancer is very difficult because this disease usually causes no visible signs or symptoms for many years. Known medically as Aden carcinoma, prostate cancer is characterized by a cancerous tumor to becomein the prostate gland. This is a cause of cancer death in men. Early symptoms of cancer is typically discovered in men over the age of fifty-five or older. You can asses whether you are potentially at risk from hereditary factors, dietary and environmental studying. The aggravating factors that increase the chances of contracting cancer include a sedentary lifestyle, heavy smoking, diets rich in saturated fatty acid, an alcohol consumption, exposure to heavy metals and a race.

Getting to the early symptoms of prostate cancer

Examination of the prostate is the best way to spot cancer. Typically, prostate cancer does not show any specific symptoms. Unfortunately that is detected after the cancer has spread to other organs. The symptoms may be early cancer detection. Weak or interrupted flow include painful urination and ejaculation, urine and blood in semen and urine, frequent urination especially at night or even difficulty in urination. Another symptom is usually becomes pain and stiffness experienced in certain parts including the lower thighs, hips and pelvis posterior superior. An important aspect to be understood is that these early symptoms of prostate cancer can also indicate a non-cancerous form of the condition.

Confirmation of early symptoms of cancer with some evidence

Early symptoms of prostate cancer could be detected by two modern methods. The first being the Digital rectal examination DRE also known as the second prostate-specific antigen is also known as PSA. Since the prostate gland is located in front of the rectum, the doctor inserts a finger into the rectum for examination in case of DRE. This allows a relatively complete examination of the prostate gland, particularly for any kinds of lumps, bumps or other hard areas in the gland. If the answer is positive, other examinations are conducted to test whether the gland is cancerous or not. In the case of PSA, the amount of prostate-specific antigen blood test is the patient. According to expert advice is highly – recommended to do a complete examination, including DRE and PSA when the individual becomes fifty.

Medical science has advanced to the stage where effective treatments are constantly evolving to improve the chances of full recovery from cancer. Nothing however beats the early detection of cancer. Thus, each man strongly advised to check your prostate gland during their annual medical check after fifty years of age. For those men who may have a genetic predisposition to disease research should begin with a preferential right from their last ’40s. If any of the common symptoms are experienced not hesitate to bring them to the attention of a doctor so that treatment can begin and arrest the growth of prostate cancer.

Causes ,effects symptoms and treatments of bladder cancer

Posted: 22 Feb 2011 08:39 AM PST

4725721019 58525f64aa m Causes ,effects symptoms and treatments of bladder cancer

Bladder Cancer: Bladder is the hollow organ which stores urine and waste extracts produced by the kidneys. Bladder cancer occurs due to the unusual growth of bladder cells in the inner lining of the bladder walls without controlling limit. Due to the abnormality function of these cells they form a tissue which is termed as tumor.

Bladder cells plays major role in defining bladder cancer. All the organs and tissues in the body are made up by tiny body cells. These cells have a constant process of dying and replacing new cells. This is the general process carried by them, if there is any malfunction in their life cycle then there is a chance for the occurrence of cancer. Tumor occurs due to the formation of excess cells in the body. There are two types of Tumors one is benign tumor and the other is malignant tumor .Benign tumor is not cancerous but can cause damage to the adjacent organs if it grows continuously at a single site. Malignant tumor is cancerous, it spreads through out the body and damages the entire body organs.

There are different types of cells in the bladder in which the cells which are lining inside the bladder wall are having more chances to develop cancer. They are total three different types of bladder cancers .

Transitional cell carcinoma ( urothelial carcinoma): This is the most common type of bladder cancer. This cancer occurs due to the changes of transition cells which present in the inner lining of the bladder wall.

Squamous cell carcinoma: This cancer occurs due to the inflammation or infection of the bladder.

Adenocarcinoma cancer: This cancer occurs due to the growth of unnecessary glands in the bladder. These glands produce mucus which causes infection and inflammation in the bladder size.

Causes of Bladder cancer: There is no exact reason for the occurrence of bladder cancer, but the risk factors for bladder cancer can be identified. Here is the list of risk factors for bladder cancer.

Risk factors of Bladder cancer:

• Age
• Gender
• Smoking
• Alcohols
• Family pedigree
• External beam radiation
• Infection of parasites
• Urinary stones
• Inflammation of bladder
• High saturated fat foods
• Diet and food intake

Symptoms of bladder cancer:

• Blood in the urination
• Urination pain
• Regular feel of urination
• Infections
• Bladder stones

These are the symptoms and signs for the bladder cancer. If the symptoms persist for longer time then consult the doctor for screening purpose.

Treatment for Bladder cancer:

There are total four types of treatment available for bladder cancer, they are:

Surgery: surgery is the most common of type of treatment available for removing the tumor. The kind of treatment is decided well by the doctor by determining the stage and severity of the cancer. They are total three types of surgeries which can be carried by identifying the severity of the cancer.

Transurethral resection: This kind of treatment is carried by inserting a cystoscope into the urethra and from there the tumor is removed by using some tools. After that, the affected area is burned to kill the remaining cancer cells by using electric current, this process is called as fulguration.

Radical cystectomy: This surgery is carried for treating invasive bladder cancer. In this treatment the entire bladder is removed along with the adjacent effected organs for stopping spreading of the disease.

Segmental cystectomy: This treatment process is useful in removing the only effected part in the bladder. This operation is carried to clear the entire effected part of the bladder.

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is one of the treatment methods useful in killing cancer causing cells by the usage of drugs. This treatment process is carried by either pills or through intravascular injections. The anti-cancer drug enters into the bloodstream and travels towards the damaged tissues and destroys the caner cells.
Chemotherapeutic drugs attacks the cancer cells by stopping their unusual growth. The nature of the cancer cells were brought to the normal condition by controlling the divisibility of the cells. These drugs are carried in the bloodstream to kill destroy all the cancer cells within short period of time.

Radiotherapy: Radiotherapy is a process for removing cancer cells in bladder by using high intensity x-rays. These high energy x-rays are aimed at the cancer affected part of the body to destroy the cancer cells. This process causes damage to the normal cells for its side effects. There are two types of radiotherapy treatments they are.

External radiations: Radiations are given from the external side of the body. These radiations are aimed at the effected area from outside the body.
Internal radiations: Radiations are passed into the body by making some small incisions in the bladder area. This treatment gives better results than the external radiation therapy.

Biotherapy: Due to weak immune system in the body, there are chances for the development of cancer. So, this Biotherapy treatment process is useful in rebuilding strong immune system in the body. Biotherapy is also called as immunotherapy or biological response modifier therapy. This treatment process is really useful in repairing, enhancing and stimulating the weak immune system of the body. This process can be carried along with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Bladder cancer is treated as a serious problem due to its effects. Bladder cancer can spread to other parts of the body so, please consult the doctors if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above.Bladder cancer can also cause ovarian cancer due to metastatic characteristics.

A Miracle Cancer Cure…One Woman’s Story

Posted: 22 Feb 2011 06:21 AM PST

4024367555 0b7c227c93 m A Miracle Cancer Cure...One Womans Story

When you feel something is just not right with your body, and it does not go away you end up in a doctor's office to make you well again. This is the western way of looking at medicine. The Chinese, on the other hand, view medicine as a lifestyle of health maintenance. The Chinese go to the doctor to maintain health on a regular basis. Westerners go to the doctor when something is wrong.

After living in China for many years, I learned first-hand about the Chinese view of medicine and how dramatically different it is from the way we westerners think about medical practices. It is normal for Chinese people to eat something because it is good for their health. Wellness-thinking is common practice in China.

I relate this dichotomy because when I was faced with cancer and how to treat the cancer, I had a dilemma. There are many ways to treat cancer, but which one do you choose? The process is very confusing. After being treated for many years by Chinese doctors and believing in their methodology, when I was faced with a serious disease, I reverted back to being treated by doctors in the ways of the American Medical Association.

Fear is a great decision factor in how you select a cancer treatment. Not knowing anything about cancer also leaves us at the mercy of medical practitioners who want to cure you in their method, no matter how difficult the treatment may be. The choice you make can save your life, or at the least a lot of trauma to your body which is already ill.

My own personal journey was first to be diagnosed with cancer, and to be cured the first time through Chemotherapy and Radiation; both grueling and life-threatening. Doctors tell you to bulk up your body before these treatments because you will lose almost 30% of your body fat. They know just how sick you are going to be after they infuse your body with poison. In my case, I lost 50% of my body fat and looked like a scarecrow. I lost my hair, my skin looked a whitish-green-grey color, I could not keep any food down, I totally lost my appetite, my immune system was non-existent, I became anemic, and I almost died.

However, the cancer was in remission and everyone was happy, including me.

Everyone who experiences Chemotherapy and Radiation knows what a living-hell it can be. Not only is this process of treating cancer a living-nightmare, but this method of curing cancer leaves your body totally depleted of any of the nutritional storage reserve. A cancer ridden-body is anemic which is why the "cancer-gray" pallor is evident on a person who has cancer. Chemotherapy causes anemia. Therefore, Chemotherapy causes the body to have a double-dose of anemia. Many people cannot survive this trauma to the body. They simply do not have enough hemoglobin for the body's protective cells to do their work.

Recuperating after cancer treatment from Chemotherapy and Radiation takes years.

Because my body's natural resources were depleted and my immune system defenseless, I attracted a rare amoeba in my right eye causing blindness for almost a year, and had a heart attack needing heart surgery. My natural defenses were missing in action.

With no immune system, and no natural body defense system, my body was left open to disease. The same cancer returned to my body a second time.

This time the doctor's decided to perform what they term "salvage surgery." This is a very radical surgery which cuts the cancerous tumor and margins. "Surgical margins" could be compared to the way you cut a peach. When there is a dark spot on a peach, you cut a wider part around the dark spot so that only the perfect part is left. So it is in surgery. "Salvage surgery" in my case would be to cut a part of my jaw, a part of my tongue, a part of my throat, remove my neck artery and replace it with the artery in my right hand. Since one cannot grow another jaw or artery, I had some serious decisions to make.

I thought long and hard about my situation with the return of cancer to my body. I sat in meditation, prayed to God for guidance, and consoled with very good friends.

My final decision was to turn down "salvage surgery." I needed to find another way to rid my body of cancer without violating and deforming my body. The little voice inside my head was my guidance. Even after getting three professional opinions from three of the top oncologists in the world, "salvage surgery" was not an option for me.

Alternative Cancer Treatment became my chosen journey for cancer cure. A naturopathic and holistic approach to cancer became a way of life for me for the next six to nine months. I began to research and look for natural cancer cures. Alternative Cancer Therapy in many ways resembles the Chinese methodology of treating illness. I had come full circle in my thinking. Eastern medical philosophy has been treating people for thousands of years. In Asia overall, there is no where the widespread epidemic proportion of cancer cases which we have in the western world.

After visiting a Naturopathic doctor in California I realized cancer can be cured. My anti-cancer diet included cancer fighting foods such as fish, fruits, grains, nuts, vegetables and vitamin supplements in order to jump-start my body back to health. Within a few weeks, I could feel a difference in my being. I had more energy, my coloring was rosy, and I began to feel alive again.

On the other hand, the inner voice in my head kept saying "dig deeper." Angel-friends were sent to me who gave me tips and ideas on alternative cancer treatments, cancer-fighting teas, natural cancer cures, Reiki Therapy, acupressure, alternative cancer cures and holistic cancer cures. I followed them all, and then some!

In the following months, I created an "Anti-Cancer" diet. I knew that in order for me to keep with a diet to get well and probably for the rest of my life, the food had to look and taste wonderful. To develop the "Anti-Cancer Diet" I researched anti-cancer foods and cancer-fighting foods all known to have anti-oxidants. Amazingly, almost all of the anti-cancer foods cross-referenced with the same foods recommended by the FDA Consumer Journal's Top 20 Fruits, Vegetables and Fish. It was not difficult to come up with wonderful recipes within the Anti-Cancer Diet guidelines. I had a place to start and a goal; to cure cancer in my own body.

In my research, I read where Dr. Joanna Budwig, a German biochemist and one of Europe's best cancer researchers had discovered that cancer cells were missing two essential amino acids: Linolenic Acid and Linoleic Acid. Her cure for cancer was to heal the cancerous cells by giving her patients a diet which included a combination of Flax-seed Oil (high in Omega3) and Quark (low-fat cottage cheese). Her theory is that cells die and regenerate themselves every day; and by feeding the cells what they are lacking, they become healthy cells. Her way of healing the cancer cells was to provide them with the essential amino acids which were missing. This is a simplistic solution to a complex problem. Her solution made perfect sense to me. With this knowledge, I created more recipes for myself incorporating the Flax-seed oil and cottage cheese in order to heal the cancerous cells in my body. I began to love my new diet.

Before long, people were coming up to me telling me how wonderful I looked. My skin had lost the "cancer-grey" pallor. My skin tone had color and glowed with health. I felt alive again for the first time in many years. I knew I was going to be well again.

However, my inner voice, whom I began to trust daily kept saying "dig deeper."

I read many books, but the one book which caught my eye one day in the bookstore was a title by Louise Hay; "You Can Heal Your Life." The holistic approach to healing is to treat the entire body, mind, and soul. It makes sense since our body is connected to the mind and the soul. We are all one unit. The holistic approach to wellness seemed very logical to me. Louise Hay relates how "thoughts are things" and we attract situations in our lives through our subconscious thoughts.

Many emotional situations which happened during our lives are still imprinted in our minds. I had a very traumatic event happen in my life two years before I was diagnosed with cancer. I was engaged to be married to my business partner. A month before the wedding, he died tragically while I was out of the country in China. Upon my return to the United States to claim his body, I found evidence of his alternative lifestyle. He died before he could hide the trappings of his gay lifestyle. I was devastated and could not believe my eyes. Wanting to bury him with honor, I never divulged my horror. I kept all those emotions inside. Little did I realize by burying those intense emotions, I would cause myself to get seriously ill.

Louise Hay's book guided my through a thought-changing process where I was able to release the past traumas still trapped in my psyche. I was able to let go of my broken heart, the anger, the rage, the embarrassment and the humiliation. Once I was able to discharge the deep hurt inside, I was able to heal my mind and soul.

I learned that "thoughts are things." Knowing and believing this fact, I set about to create situations in my life where I could heal my body, mind and soul.

What I realized is that cancer is not the basis of the disease. Cancer is the result of a long-term neglect of the body, mind, and soul until the body finally succumbs to illness. A miraculous cancer cure happened in my life. I was able to heal my body with healthy foods and a diet which I can enjoy and live on for the rest of my life and I was able to release the intense emotional blocks holding me in an illness state so that I could cure myself of cancer.

Cancer is no longer an issue in my life. My cancer journey was not an easy one. However, I feel that God guided me through all of these illnesses so that I would tell my story. I can look at a person now and know if they are healthy or not. Cancer can be cured with Alternative Cancer Treatments, Natural Cancer Cures, and Holistic Cancer Cures which are non-invasive; they heal the body, not destroy it. These therapies and cancer cures build your body back to a nutritional self with a healthy mental attitude. I highly recommend alternative cancer treatments and holistic cancer cures….they work!

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